Thursday 6 June 2013


Candice  Swanepoel, Vogue Spain April 2013
Photographed by  Mariano Vivanco

This lady has an awesome body, the summer beach ideal.

Wednesday 5 June 2013

"There is a crack, a crack in everything.

That's how the light gets in."

 Leonard Cohen

FRECKLES are a girls best friend.

It's like you have been kissed by the sun. Today is kinda gloomy and miserable and revision is dull but remember the sunshine and the freckles on her face. And her smile.

"I want to go places and see people. I want my mind to grow. I want to live where things happen on a big scale" 
F. Scott Fitzgerald. 

Source: tumblr

Monday 3 June 2013

Felicity JONES

Ever since I saw  Flashbacks of Fool and Like Crazy  Felicity Jones has become one of my favourite actress's. She's funny, intelligent, delicately beautiful and British and so interesting. I saw these photos on a blog and had to pinch a few !  They are elegantly shot.

Photographer Eliot Lee Hazel, Source: Fashion Gone Rogue

Birthday troubleeee


So, it was my birthday on Friday and I was very lucky to have a great day split between family in the morning and friends etc in the evening. Brunch, pressies and a "surprise" cooked dinner by my flatemates left me pretty elated by the evening - so thankyou all, you are divine. Or in the words of Austin Powers mini me 'you complete me': watch this video if confused at my weirdness > YEAH BABY, YEAH.

Sadly, back to shitty revision today but here are a few photos of my lovely weekend. peace out y'all. ( copyright @annaberry)


these are my crazy friends.


and this is my great, little sister.